- Om gam ganapataye namahaA horoscope is a detailed layout of the zodiac and planets at the time of birth. It represents the zodiacal sign rising at the place of birth and the location of planets in various signs. The Twelve houses of the horoscope define twelve areas of our life. The details of the 12 Houses, Signification and Parts of the body represented by them are given below.1st House: This house is associated with Aries and the Planet Mars and is the most important house in the birth chart as it includes the ascendant or rising sign. This house refers to the person and is indicative of factors like physical features, complexion, nature, health, ego and so on. The parts of the body represented by the first house are head and brain.2nd House: The second house is associated with Taurus and the Planet Venus and is concerned with the possessions and feelings of the person. The parts of the body represented by this house are throat, tongue, nose, right eye and face. The second house represents Wealth and affluence, family relations, power of speech, creative potential, journeys, face etc.3rd House: The third house is associated with Gemini and the Planet Mercury and is concerned with siblings, mental attitude, communication and neighbors. The parts of the body represented by this house are right ear, hands, arms and shoulder. The third house represents Siblings, individual prowess, self interest, patience, courage, longevity, self interest etc.4th House: The fourth house is associated with Cancer and Moon and represents immediate environment, home life, mother, emotion, landed property, dwelling place, personal conveyance, conditions at the fag end of life. The parts of the body represented by this house are heart and chest.5th House: The fifth house is associated with Leo and Sun and is the house of pleasure and creativity. This house represents Children, creativity, strength, psychological disposition, speculation, intelligence etc. The parts of the body represented by this house are stomach and intestines.6th House: The sixth house is associated with Virgo and Mercury. This house represents Enemies, impediments, fear, sins, disappointments, debts, diseases, employment conditions etc. The part of the body represented by this house is the navel area.7th House: The seventh house is associated with Libra and Planet Venus. This house represents wife, business partnerships, gambling, passions, sexual relationships etc. The parts of the body represented by this house are sex organs, uterus, ovary, kidneys and bladder.8th House: This house is associated with Scorpio and Pluto and refers to possessions gained through others like gifts and legacies. This house represents death, generative organs, hidden aspects of an individual, occultism, legacy, unearned income, secret maneuverings, life of the spouse, place and surroundings of death.9th House: This house is associated with Sagittarius and Jupiter. This house represents Religious philosophy, worship, luck, unmerited rewards, rituals, long travels, father, elders etc. The parts of the body represented by this house are hips and thighs.10th House: This house is associated with Capricorn and Saturn. This house represents Profession, prosperity, nervous energy, good deeds, political success, reputation and knees. The parts of the body represented by this house are knees, joints and back.11th House: This house is associated with Aquarius and Uranus. This house represents Gains, income, friendship, social life, elder sisters etc. The parts of the body represented by this house are legs and left ear.12th House: This house is associated with Pisces and Neptune. This house represents Expenditure, useless efforts, subconscious mind, hidden resources, evil deeds, obstacles, tiresome travels etc. It is also concerned with life after death and with psychic experiences. The parts of the body represented by this house are feet, left eye and teeth.
Astrology of Spirituality souls, spirits, spiritualism, Reason behind birth.........
Monday, 20 February 2012
The 12 Houses in Horoscope Chart and Signification
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