Monday, 20 February 2012

The twelve Bhavas or Houses

1.                                                                                                         Om gam ganapataye namaha

    An individuals horoscope is divided into 12 Bhavas or houses, based on the position of ones lagna in the chart. The nature and qualities of the rasis, planets and the nakshatras explained so far are their basic inherent qualities. Once a persons chart is analyzed from the lagna point of view, based on the way these planets and rasis are placed from lagna, gives them a personal touch and helps us to understand the various aspects and events of ones life.

 the sign in which your lagna or ascendant is placed becomes your 1st house. The sign next to that (clockwise in the south chart and anticlockwise in a north chart), becomes your 2nd house. The one next to that is your 3rd house and so on till the 12th house.

 The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses are called Trikonas or trine houses. They are the most powerful and auspicious houses. They are also called Lakshmi sthanas as the rule all kinds of prosperities.
The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are called Kendras or quadrants. They are also auspicious and powerful houses next to the konas.
The 3rd and the 11th houses are called Upachayas or houses of growth.
The 6th, 8th, and 12 houses are called Dusthanas or bad houses.
 2, 6, and 10 are Artha houses. 
 3 , 7, and 11 are Kama houses. 
 4, 8, and 12 are Moksha houses.

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