Friday, 13 January 2012


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Bharani Nakshatra

Bharani Nakshatra is the expression of Lord Yama’s supremacy enclosing the surface from 13.20 degrees to 26.40 degrees which is ruled by planet Venus. Lord Yama carries the utmost blend of justice as he analyze over the right and wrong aspects for punishing the culprit and rewarding the moral soul. He is just not the one who brings death, he is the defender of all law pursuits and pursuers indeed. He is the firm walker of moral path which altogether makes him the divine image of Dharma that is the most virtuous and wiser soul. In simple articulation, Bharani Nakshatra is the expression of supreme truth, intense purity, and utmost loyalty.
Reflections of Bharani Nakshatra

The natives of Bharani Nakshatra are the determined and sincere personals who are bestowed with vivacious attitude besides which they are perceived to carry strong knowledge and intellect which further makes them wiser in appearance. People of Bharani Nakshatra would incur the pains and problems of others upon them and would have scars upon their body due to injuries and could confront heart problems but they are bestowed with a long life path. They pursue a wealthy life but could get involved in immoral acts for the same.
Impacts/Results for Male natives born in Bharani Nakshatra

Appearance of people of Bharani nakshatra

The Male natives of Bharani Nakshatra are perceived to be endowed with attractive personality along with ruddy complexion and long neck and broad face. These men are believed to be medium sized while those born in the mid day would be very tall. They would have broad forehead, good structure of teeth but would get less hair while they would possess good vision and bushy eye brows.
Attitude and life path of natives of Bharani nakshatra

The Male personas of Bharani Nakshatra are pure souls who carries their true inner essence in their appearance as well which makes them true towards the world outside which makes them straight to their words as they don’t fear from expressing their thoughts irrespective of people would agree or not, besides this they will only walk upon the path they see as right as nothing could compel them to go against their own will. These people might have a tough appearance but are truly generous and kind at the core.
All this, sometimes makes natives of Bharani Nakshatra appear as inflexible and quiet harsh which could take them towards being disliked by others or causing problems in relations but if anybody could see they possess much of the attributes to be loved as comprising the fact that they won’t ever pursue the path of flattery, as well.  On the other part, they are soft hearted people who would bend their head at their faults and will forgive others if they would truly ask for but they are aggressive personas which could create hurdles for themselves. The Bharani personas are intellectual beings and wiser personas who prefer to see till the depth of every possible aspect.
The natives Bharani Nakshatra are born to lead over the land as they could not accept to be rule and regulated by others neither he expect any sort of suggestions or encouragement, besides which they lack obedience in their persona. These people born in Bharani Nakshatra always seeks to dominate over the surroundings which could also led them towards ignoring others. This attitude of Bharani born people is the main emerging point for those many hurdles and fluctuations they face in their path.
The predicament of their lives is that they would get place at the high mount but would be slipped down soon after and will reach the mount again as to follow the same throughout life besides which, irrespective of their being pure at heart they won’t be able to build strong and deep bounded relations as they would always reach at the needs of others while their friends would turn opposite at times. Their lives would be the perfect mixture of heights and downs.
Professional front

The natives of Bharani Nakshatra are provided with fluctuating career path for which they will see both good and bad times while the time after 33years of age will be favorable from the rest. On the other part, the natives of this Nakshatra are bestowed with the potential to produce good work at many arenas comprising music, creative platters, media, administration, sports, tobacco industry, service industry, surgeon, law, automobiles and even in their business.
Family portrait

The natives of Bharani Nakshatra are deeply attached to their family and loved ones for which they even don’t like to spend much time without them as they are truly loving towards their family. Besides this these people are believed to get married at the approx age of 27 years and are perceived to get good companions who would be good in the house and at attitude as well but she might be quiet careless at the financial matters. The births of 1st and 2nd quarter in Bharani Nakshatra could also bring death of the father.

The male natives of Baharani Nakshatra won’t confront much of health hurdles in their life path neither there would be any severe problems for which these natives are none of concern people. The little barriers which they might see would include dental problems, malaria, fever, body pains, ring worms and diabetes. The natives of this Nakshatra are believed to possess a threat from water and water bodies due to which they carry a natural fear from water and so on are advised to stay away from the same. In the end, they are very keen eaters for which they are advised to be careful about their eating habits as this could bring some problems to them.
Impacts/Results for Female natives born in Bharani Nakshatra

Appearance of female natives of Bharani nakshatra

The female natives of Bharani Nakshatra are perceived to be bestowed with strong personality along with natural charm to keep everyone around. These famine personas carry a perfect and beautiful figure besides which they are endowed with white teeth but they would lack at their proper formation. Altogether, these girls will carry the strong appearance.
Attitude and life path of female natives of Bharani nakshatra

The female natives of Bharani Nakshatra are strong personas who carries a strong inner self along with firm mind and a potent appearance upon the land. These girls are straight to their words as they will not keep things in their mind and would not grudge inside as whatever they would felt they would let others let that know irrespective of its being something good or rude.
These women won’t bend in front of anybody for being a famine creature as they will pursue only something which truly appeals to them and will always present their opinion in front of others with a firm hold upon the same. They will only accept others view if they would feel it to be more relevant and right.
The girls of Bharani Nakshatra are the natives of moral worth as they will carry the morals and principles throughout life with one exceptional fact that they won’t accept each primitive believe neither they would agree to each modern thought with blind eyes. These women are believed to follow family values throughout their life path. These women creatures carries a lot of vigor and are vivacious personas besides which they possess a positive approach.
Professional front

The female natives of Bharani Nakshastra are the conquerors who are perceived to explore themselves instead of waiting for others to do the same for them as they won’t stay at home. Female of Bharani Nakshastra are believed to bring their livelihood by their own and without anybody’s support which takes them towards the high mount of success which much possibilities in the profiles of marketing and presentation besides which they could also earn in sports arena.
Family portrait

The female natives of Bharani Nakshastra are bestowed with good companions upon land as they could be seen pursuing a happy life with a loving and loyal husband but they would lack some of the peace from the side of in-laws due to some differences in between. Besides this, they would get a strong and dominating role in the housing arena. These women of Bharani Nakshastra are believed to get married around 23yrs of age with most of the possibilities of two being the perfect match with the exception of the fact that if they would get a person who would not be of equally strong persona then they could highly dominate over him as a result it would lack the balance in the picture and would bring some problems. For this, they are advised to marry a person whom they would really admire besides this he should be very soft and patient for these females being aggressive creatures.

The women of Baharani Nakshatra are bestowed with good health upon land but as path of life could not be hurdle free so it brings some of the little problems to these natives as well which would include some uterus disorders, anemia and menstrual problems along with some chances of tuberculosis as well.

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