Sunday, 15 January 2012


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Magha Nakshatra

The divine portrait of Magha Nakshatra is the picture of deity Pitrigan which is ruled by the shades of shadow planet Ketu as beginning from zero degrees and moving forward till 13.20 degrees in Simha or Leo Zodiac. The celestial symbol of Magha portrait is a royal court with a royal throne. The picture of Magha Nakshatra comprise all supreme shades including beauty, affluence, potency, intellect, respect, dignity and wisdom which takes this arena to the supreme most and to the highest mount among all the rest as it holds all the positive and brilliant attributes.
Reflections of Magha Nakshatra

The natives of Magha Nakshatra are perceived to be endowed with many attributes which makes them lead blissful life and walk upon a smooth path of life. They are bestowed with all the comforts and affluence upon land besides which they also carry the wealth of wisdom which makes them stand high and upon a supreme platter.
They are pure souls with loyal blend at the core of them but are aggressive too and are strong enough to slay their enemies but are not sinners as they are generous and humanitarian at heart. These natives also carry the spiritual blend and walk upon the path of morals throughout life. They are believed to reach upon supreme places upon land and served by many. They are perceived  to possess a bloodshot eye and a mark of fish upon their chest.
Impacts/Results for Male natives born in Magha Nakshatra

Appearance of people of Magha nakshatra

The male natives of Magha Nakshatra are perceived to be endowed with strong personality and dominant appearance for which they are born with prominent neck and quiet hairy body. These natives carry a medium heighten stature and are believed to appear cute altogether. They would also have a mole in their hands or beneath the shoulder.
Attitude and life path of natives of Magha nakshatra

The male natives of Magha Nakshatra are the people of morals who possess a pure soul inside and walk with a true core in the path of righteousness throughout life. They value all the real things upon life and respect others besides which they are affectionate at heart and would never try to play with others emotions as they pay revere and admire others emotions and thoughts as it could be said that they are well concerned about others emotions and if they would mistake at any place then they will rectify it soon too. They could also be seen as defending others as they won’t even like anybody doing wrong to anyone around. Altogether, they are very soft spoken people and will win all the hearts around.
The goodness and all admired attributes of Magha natives are only the reason behind there hidden enemies as there would also be many people who would not like all they carry. These things could turn them into aggressive images while they possess a complete hold upon the same and are true peace loving. The other problems arises from their being strongly inclined towards social services as they would do much of social involvement for the good of humankind and none of self interest as this all will be for their mental peace and gratification but the possibilities of imbalanced involvement could bring some problems and failures, while this make them attain much respect upon land.
People of Magha arena carry immense knowledge with strong hold upon variant sciences and research which would make them appear as learned personals besides which they possess a creative blend too for which they know about variant arts and so on are quiet involved in this arena as well. They carry a balanced fantastical vision and believe in divine presence also. Besides this, they deeply believe in their culture and would always play their role in its growth.
Professional front

The natives of Magha Nakshatra are believed to be very sincere and determined personalities who believes in their hard work which is always said to be with best of their endeavor but the predicament is that they never receive equivalent results. These natives are endowed with success and heights upon land but the level of their hard work would be much more than that and its all because of lack of required practical understanding and much of straightforwardness in Magha Nakshatra. For the same reasons, they won’t be able to grow much in business arenas as they are not at all business minded people. Besides this, they are firm followers of their decisions.
When at work they are good in coordination and maintaining strong bonding in between also other than being sincere as they will have cordial relations with both seniors as well with juniors while maintaining the professionalism as well besides. These people could play as a strong thread in between the both at work place.
In the end, Magha natives live a happy, peaceful and satisfactory life with all comforts and others serving them around upon the good heights of affluence and respect.
Family portrait

The male natives of Magha Nakshatra are bestowed with blissful and peaceful life path and here it gives its most of the significance towards the family arena which will stay harmonious and delightful. It will be a happy and satisfactory walk for Magha males. Besides this, these natives would carry many family responsibilities which could also include much of siblings or some of the members at home.

The male native of Magha Nakshatra are perceived to confront some health problems in their peaceful life path which could include night blindness. Besides this, it also have some variations with some planetary position as if Saturn is in Cancer or Mars accompanies Moon in the horoscope chart then it could also bring Asthma and Epilepsy problems.
Impacts/Results for Female natives born in Magha Nakshatra

Appearance of female natives of Magha nakshatra

The female natives of Magha Nakshatra are perceived to carry a strong personality and dominant appearance upon land besides which they carry beautiful formation and attractive persona which makes them highly appeal to masses. Besides this, girls having impact of Moon in Magha nakshatra arena are perceived to be endowed with long and healthy hair.
Attitude and life path of female natives of Magha nakshatra

The natives of Magha Nakshatra are the believers of morals and right path who only seek to do good and walk upon the right path besides this they are true people who possess the affection for the humankind in their heart and so on could be seen as involved enough in the social activities Besides this, these natives are always there to help anyone around in need. These natives strongly believe in the existence of divine creator and so on could be seen as involved in religious and cultural arenas.
These women would never do anything wrong intentionally and for being human if they would do sometimes unknowingly than they would apologize as soon as they realize it and will try to rectify it as well while on the other hand neither they would let anybody do anything wrong. The female natives of Magha arena are truly soft to their words but they are straight to their words too and anything wrong could also turn their loving attitude into highly aggressive one. This is the only reason that they could be seen as getting involved in many quarrels upon land.
The female natives of Magha nakshatra are believed to walk upon a blissful and peaceful path of life where they would enjoy all the supreme comforts surrounded by many to serve them. Besides this, they are the women who would attain recognition both at work as well as at home as they will manage well at both the places and will perform acknowledgeable at both the arenas.
Professional front

The natives of Magha Nakshatra are the acquirers of supreme knowledge and are perceived as wiser people of supreme wisdom as they will hold enormous knowledge in variant sciences besides which due to being much inclined towards creative arenas they will also be aware of many arts upon land. But they lack at the practical understanding required in business and marking arena because they are not business minded people.
The women of Magha arena are endowed with strong positions at higher mounts of affluence and respect upon land but that height won’t be able to stand equally in front of their much higher stature of efforts made of immense hard work but still it will be a satisfying and happy place for Magha natives for their not being covetous people and for being believers of hard work. In the end, these women are believed to get married with wealthy males.
Family portrait

The women of Magha Nakshatra are bestowed with supreme form of life when it comes to all comforts and place but the predicament is that they even after being peace loving creates much hassle at home for being aggressive personas which altogether will bring conflict in between the husband and in-laws and so on lack of peace in the family place. When it comes to children, she will first give birth to a boy and the next two will be girls.

The Magha natives would have some health problems which would include eye problems, hysteria, uterine trouble, blood disorders and jaundice. These could bring some serious problems in her life.

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