Tuesday, 17 January 2012


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Sravana Nakshatra

The divine enclosure of Hari deity the supreme trinity is known as Sravana Nakshatra which begins with 10 degrees and ends at 23:30 degrees in Makara or Capricorn zodiac and is ruled by Moon throughout and expressed in the symbol of 3 footprints. This is the divine arena of deity Saraswati’s birth which makes this arena shine with the brilliance of wisdom and knowledge and so on it stands upon the heights of education and proficiency.

Reflections of Sravana Nakshatra

The people of Sravana Nakshatra are truly intellectual and intelligent beings who would pursue lots of knowledge in their life path and will emerge high upon the mounts of wisdom as learned personals. They are true personalities with immense stability of mind, purity of soul, affectionate heart, humanitarian approach, true in attitude, full of valor and pious at the core. These people will received love and respect upon land and are good speakers in the end.

Impacts/Results for Male natives born in Sravana Nakshatra

Appearance of people of Sravana nakshatra

The natives of Sravana Nakshatra are perceived to be attractive and dominating personalities besides which their unique features makes them appear more appealing upon land. These people would have quiet smaller height while they would carry some identification mark like mole at some visible place or some other noticeable mark.

Attitude and life path of natives of Sravana nakshatra

Those begotten from Sravana Nakshatra are people of true souls who would keep the complete trueness in every step of their besides which they are perceived to pursue righteousness with a strict approach as they can’t ever take a single turn against the same. These natives stay hard upon path of loyalty and honesty as it we could say that they don’t even now what a infidelity is while they could confront betrayals and deceit from others for being the way they are. These people will pursue only truth throughout their life and could emerge as really good in politics in every aspect.

The people of Sravana Nakshatra are affectionate and truly humanitarian souls who carry immense softness and sweetness in their words as they can’t be harsh to anyone around neither they could ever hurt anybody but the predicament here is that they are strongly management and neatness loving individuals who would not stay calm at the sight of any mess and disorder and that the only thing which could turn the most loving attitude into a bitter one.

The male natives of Sravana Nakshatra are perceived to be peace loving personalities who carries vivacious persona and are endowed with a natural charm which makes them liked by many around while  the are simple appearing personalities but are attractive enough though. They deeply believe upon each aspect of spirituality and divine presence.

The natives of Sravana Nakshatra will keep seeking knowledge throughout their life and so on would emerge as learned personalities and for the same they possess variant attributes besides which they are good advisers as they carry enough maturity to see everything with a right vision and so on will be able to solve problems in a right way.

In the end, these people would confront some hurdles in their life path as well while they will keep crossing all of them and would be needed to bear lots of responsibilities but altogether they will pursue a quiet satisfied and balanced path of life.

Professional front

The natives of Sravana Nakshatra are endowed with strong intellect and good intelligence besides which they carry much of curiosity for seeking all the possible knowledge which further takes them towards the heights of wisdom and makes them appear wiser personas upon land. This altogether makes them capable of pursuing variant aspects well and so on opens many directions in professional path of these people.

The people of Sravana Nakshatra would confront many fluctuations throughout their professional path while they would see much of it till 30years of age which would enter a quiet stable path afterwards and will be the same till 45yrs of age during which they would achieve a good place while if they would live beyond the age of 65yrs then they will reach the supreme heights in their professional arena.

In the end as the Sravana Nakshatra natives are bestowed to work well in variant arenas but those perceived as best for them are mechanical, technical, petroleum, oil arena and engineering sectors.

Family portrait

The natives of Sravana Nakshatra despite of facing many problems throughout their life are blessed with blissful and happy conjugal path and so on they will lead a peaceful and joyful married life as they would get obedient and devoted wives who would possess all the attributes to adorn their lives. The early ages of Sravana Nakshatra would be quiet unstable but their married life would bring all the stability and brilliance in their life.

The people of Sravana Naskhatra would confront some health hurdles in their life path which would comprise ear problem, skin disease, eczema, indigestion, rheumatism and tuberculosis.

Impacts/Results for Female natives born in Sravana Nakshatra

Appearance of female natives of Sravana nakshatra
The females of Sravana Nakshatra are perceived to be endowed with well formed body in a tall and lean stature along with a broad face. These women would be endowed with beautiful appearance and attractive personality besides which they would be born with large teeth, prominent nose and distance between the front teeth.

Attitude and life path of female natives of Sravana nakshatra

The people of Sravana Nakshatra are believed to be true and pure souls who would carry a righteous approach throughout life and would carry a humanitarian attitude for everyone around. These natives will pursue the righteousness approach throughout life and will never leave the path of fidelity while they won’t receive the same from those around many a times.

The women of Sravana Nakshatra carries immense charm and are vivacious as they carry a lot sweetness in their words besides which they are affectionate personas who could make others to like them and admire too for being the way they are. These people could not ever be harsh to anyone neither they would even think of hurting anybody. These people of Sravana arena are peace loving personas as the core and will remain calm at all the times but the sight of untidiness and mismanagement could turn them harsh to some extent.  

The people of Sravana Nakshatra are seekers of knowledge and are endowed with good intellect and intelligence besides which they are spiritual personalities who would pursue many aspects for the same like often visiting holy places. These people are generous and kind personas who possess a inclination towards poor people and social activities but they are somewhat cunning as well besides which they are people of vanity and show off.

Professional front

The people of Sravana Nakshatra are born with sharp formation of their mind besides which they are intelligent enough to achieve much in their professional front while on the other hand, their strong inclination towards acquiring all the possible knowledge takes them towards emerging as learned personas and capable to pursuing variant profiles.

These natives of Sravana Nakshatra would confront a quiet difficult path till the age of 32yrs while afterwards it would be quiet stable walk till the age of 45yrs and after 65yrs of age they will shine high upon mounts. These women are perceived to be good dancers besides which they could also be involved in some creative and arts arena. They could also be in some clerical profiles like typist, receptionist, engineering, petrol and oils.

Family portrait

The women of Sravana Nakshatra would get much admiration and acknowledgement in their family for they being good and perfect in everything but they are advised not to expect the same from others as it could bring some problems besides which their might be some differences in between the couple because these women would expect a lot from their husband and won’t be able accept them the way they are. They should learn to put their adjusting attitude at their conjugal path as well.

The female natives of Sravana Nakshatra would confront some health hurdles too which would make their path quiet more difficult as including skin disease, eczema, tuberculosis, filarial, pus formation and some ear problems as well. This would be because of their being careless about their health.

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