Saturday, 14 January 2012


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Krittika Nakshatra
The krittika Nakshatra is the ruling enclosure of Agni devta, the lord of fire who is the divine purifier and is believed to vanish all the taints from the world, from the souls. This pure arena of Lord of fire is ruled by the Lord Surya or Sun which began from 26.40 degrees in Mesha or Aries extending till 10 degrees in Vrishabha or Taurus, where it ends. This is the most brilliant and bright arena which bestows divine light besides which it produces heat for warmth and aggression too besides which it is one of the most significant part of this whole creation. This divine brilliance kills all the evil shades and makes the portrait of life appear as beautiful.
On the other part of it, if we goes in the depth of Krittika Nakshatra it has two segments in which the part of Mesha or Aries zodiac is ruled by Mangal or planet Mars who is the most brilliant star in the sky and give out much of splendor while the other part of Vrishabha or Taurus zodiac is ruled by Lord Shukra or planet Venus who is the calm creature of love, fantasy and beauty. Both the segment are the expression of divine and supreme brilliance but they do possess some of the differences in their brightness as the segment of Mars is loud and aggressive while of Venus is soft and loving.
Reflections of Kritika Nakshatra

The natives of Krittika Nakshatra may confront a difficult path of life as they would get good affluence but won’t be able to keep that along with them for which their lives would see much of fluctuations in life. These natives would pursue purposeless traveling besides which they might change many work places due to variant reasons. These people of Kritika Nakshatra could also be callous and harsh in their attitude while they carry a strong intellect and intelligence but are aggressive personas who are perceived to be good in detective profiles and are believed to be successful. The natives of Krittika Nakshatra who were born in the presence of Moon in the Nakshatra would lack love and true relations around them in their life path while are believed to be loved by partners.
Impacts/Results for Male natives born in Krittika Nakshatra

Appearance of people of Krittika nakshatra

The male natives of Krittika Nakshatra are perceived to possess a normal personality along with middle heightened appearance while those having the impact of Saturn also would get taller statures. These individuals would carry a softness in their eyes besides which they possess strong appearance and tough composition along with a thick neck and prominent nose which altogether makes them lead upon land. They walk with calm appearance along with peaceful approach for which they appear as respected personas upon land.
Attitude and life path of natives of Krittika nakshatra
The male natives of Krittika Nakshatra are bestowed with good intellect and sharp intelligence besides which they are free living personas who carry the vivacious approach for which they can not stay with single place for much long which makes them change many profiles and work arenas but at the core they are sincere and determined people at work. They are firm followers of their path but it remains the same only till they won’t get bored of pursuing the same thing.
The males born of Krittika Nakshatra would never stay in any confinements neither of relations as well and if people try to keep them enclosed they will break all the barriers without thinking about the outcome. They are not the people of immoral arena as they won’t go for such path for acquiring anything not even for attaining fame and affluence neither they would seek for anybody’s help or sympathy for the same. These individuals know how to reach the mount by their own and they do it with supreme course besides which they always carry their pride.
The native of Krittika Nakshatra are wiser and loyal souls who are good advisers at the core as they shows the right direction but when it comes to their own problems they only do what they want to do as they carry a logical mind but would lack the stability. The most visible shade of their persona is the perfect blend of primitive and modern colors as they would only follow valuable and true believes either of old or new which makes them pursue only which path they see as right and true.
These Krittika Nakshatra personas carries a blend towards serving the humanity for the good will of all around but won’t be much successful in the same but they never lose their persistence and patience due to which they would acquire respect and fame but his extremes of sincerity could take him down. This could also bring some of the frustrations as well to the natives as taking him towards the heights of aggression which could bring something more worse. The natives of Krittika Nakshatra needs to keep a balance in their mind and to stay with the reality around as they could seen as living a unreal and fantastical life.
Professional front

The natives of Krittika Nakshatra are highly free living personals who won’t stay in any sort of confinement for their professional aspects as well for which they could travel to farer places for earning their livelihood even at many times. These natives are the souls of liberty who would give their best where they would get required freedom. On the other hand, they are quiet slow workers which could emerge as hurdles to them.
The individual born of Krittika Nakshatra are perceived to be involved in the sectors of medical, treasury department, government sectors, yarn export, decoration, engineering and draftsman while business in partnership will not do good for them. These people are born with the possibility of getting some benefits with the inheritance at some phase of life.
Family portrait

The natives of Krittika Nakshatra are perceived to confront many hurdles throughout life but when it comes to family place, it’s the only one where he gets uttermost peace and pleasure of the soul. In the family arena, they are more close to their mothers, who would support them at all possible turns in the path while they are believed to be begotten from a pious father who would be a supreme soul of high reverence.
The natives of Krittika Nakshatra are bestowed with blissful married life as they are believed to get perfect companions who would be devoted, true and loyal towards the relation as well as the family and will be good at handling the household responsibilities. Altogether, their would be a strong bonding in between.
The only little bitter shade in this whole portrait is the Kritika Nakshatra natives could be made to live separately at times due to variant reasons comprising health, work or other family members but it won’t include any problems in between the spouses. In the words of astrology, the natives of this Nakshatra will face many fluctuations till the time of 50yrs while the period of 25yrs to 35yrs and 50yrs to 56yrs will bring good.

The natives of Krittika Nakshatra are perceived to be food lovers who could be seen as not being concerned about their food habits which could bring them some health hurdles. The health obstacles in their life could be as dental problems, malaria, tuberculosis, brain fever, accidental wounds, cerebral meningitis and weak eyesight. Besides this, these people could be seen as being not at all concerned about their health even not after receiving any sort of bad impacts.
Impacts/Results for Female natives born in Krittika Nakshatra

Appearance of female natives of Krittika nakshatra

The female natives of Krittika Nakshatra are endowed with appealing personality along with beautiful body for which they could be seen as gorgeous personas upon land but with medium height. The predicament is that the natives of Krittika Nakshatra would face some negative impact upon their beauty as well with dominating effect after 27yrs due to the immense fluctuations in life which will make them mentally unhappy and lacking peace.
Attitude and life path of female natives of Krittika nakshatra

The female natives of Krittika Nakshatra are strong famine personas who carries a lot of strength inside and appear potent upon land besides which they do possess some of the aggression too which could also makes them appear harsh at times. These Krittika female natives will not ever fear from expressing their thoughts loud and would never let anybody suppress them as they are not among those women who see them inferior to men in the society.
 On the other hand, Krittika females are vivacious personas who prefer to live life completely and won’t stay in confinements as they are free souls. They are the people of morals and ethics but they will only do what they feel and see as right irrespective of in which direction the path would lead besides which they will not follow any of primitive or modern believes or ideas without considering well upon them before.
The tough appearance of Kritika females could make them see themselves in the middle of many quarrels due to themselves for being the way they are but people needs to understand that they are true soul at the core who pursue a loyal path throughout life and are truly humanitarian in their approach.
Professional front

The female natives of Krittika Nakshatra are perceived to confront some problems in the aspect of marriage and marital life as the path of conjugal walk would not be much pleasing and blissful to them. These natives are perceived to get married very late with no possibilities of early age marriage besides which  the marriage at the age of 37 is perceived to be good and beneficial.
The female natives of this Nakshatra are perceived not to enjoy much comforts from the husbands besides which they could also confront barrenness and separation form the husband due to variant reasons. These females won’t be able to keep much blissful relations around in the family due to their own misunderstanding and misinterpretation of everything around for which they could be seen as living in their own world. This whole make them somehow rude and harsh in their approach as further taking them towards the world of solitude.
 Family portrait
The female natives of Krittika Nakshatra are perceived to confront some problems in the aspect of marriage and marital life as the path of conjugal walk would not be much pleasing and blissful to them. These natives are perceived to get married very late with no possibilities of early age marriage besides which  the marriage at the age of 37 is perceived to be good and beneficial.
The female natives of this Krittika Nakshatra are perceived not to enjoy much comforts from the husbands besides which they could also confront barrenness and separation form the husband due to variant reasons. These females won’t be able to keep much blissful relations around in the family due to their own misunderstanding and misinterpretation of everything around for which they could be seen as living in their own world. This whole make them somehow rude and harsh in their approach as further taking them towards the world of solitude.

The female native of Krittika Nakshatra are perceived to confront some health hurdles upon the life path which would mostly emerge from their imbalanced and tensed composure of mind due to difficulties in their life path which would lead them towards lack of mental peace. They could also have tuberculosis.

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